Server information Counter-Strike
Players: All players
Country: Ukraine
Protocol: 47
City: Dnipropetrovsk
Ping: 38 ms
OS: Linux
Game Type: Dedicated
Ranked since: 25.03.2014 09:28
Access: open
Information updated: 26.11.2015 02:14
VAC: not secure
Last check: 31.05.2023 19:11
Uptime: 96.33%
Description of the server
8x8 Карты - de_dust2_2x2 и $2000$
Server D-lan 8x8 Classic
, located in Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine, where during last check played
0 players and 0 bots. The number of slots at this server is 16.
Server statistics
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Server rank
Global rank: 528
Rank by city: 16
Rank by country: 997
Votes: 2
This server has 2 votes..
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How to connect to D-lan 8x8
To connect to the server type on the console (copy-paste)
Location in masterserver
Server presented or recently was present in masterservers. First seen , last seen (masterserver is daily updated).
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