Server information Counter-Strike
Players: | All players |
Country: | Romania |
Protocol: | 47 |
City: | unknown |
Ping: | 35 ms |
Website: | [click] |
OS: | Linux |
Owner: |
Adyyyy |
Game Type: | Dedicated |
Ranked since: | 06.01.2023 05:04 |
Access: | open |
Information updated: | 03.12.2024 19:28 |
VAC: | secure |
Last check: | 03.12.2024 19:28 |
Build: | |
Uptime: | 92.35% |
Description of the server
Server classic
Server Cs.WeOnlyWin.Ro Classic
, located in Romania, where during last check played
0 players and 0 bots. The number of slots at this server is 32.
This is cs 1.6 free server ip,
Server statistics
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Month |
3 Months |
6 Months |
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server IP address, which corresponds to the host name You can find all servers on this IP or
find all servers in this IP subnet (i.e. servers hosted by the same provider).
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Server rank
Global rank: | 507 |
Rank by city: | 227 |
Rank by country: | 37 |
Votes: | 0 |
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How to connect to Cs.WeOnlyWin.Ro
To connect to the server type on the console (copy-paste)
Location in masterserver
Server presented or recently was present in masterservers. First seen , last seen (masterserver is daily updated).
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